This content-rich course offers a wide and deep exploration of what is sometimes called “Mariology,” described as ” the theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
This module approaches this topic from an inter-disciplinary, academic and ecumenical perspective, with the following structure:
- Old Testament and Biblical background
- Roman Catholic perspectives
- Protestant perspectives
- Eastern Orthodox perspectives
- Academic perspectives
Each study period (1-5) also includes a video debate or lecture.
- Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 5 (ECTS standard)
- Indicative duration (full time): 2-3 weeks
- Indicative duration (part time): 4-6 week
- Certificate: Yes
Academic Guidelines (HQ version)
Academic Guidelines (most recent version even if unofficial)
Student Orientation Guidelines (most recent version even if unofficial)
Zotero instructions for EUCLID studentsAt the end of this course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss possibly relevant Old Testament material including typological interpretations
- Discuss the major Roman Catholic teachings on Mary, including the Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, titles, etc.
- Discuss the major Reformed / Protestant / Evangelical positions, notably in terms of opposition to Roman Catholic theology.
- Discuss the Eastern Orthodox position and contribution.
- Discuss academic and alternative approaches to mariology.
- Behold Your Mother: A Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian
by Tim Staples (Roman Catholic; apologetics) - Who Is My Mother?: The Role and Status of the Mother of Jesus
by Eric D. Svendsen (Evangelical; this is the book based on the thesis which is included as PDF in Period 3) - Mary–“Another Redeemer?
by James White (Evangelical) - Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate Kindle Edition
by Dr. Mark Miravalle (Roman Catholic) - The Mother of the Lord: Volume 1: The Lady in the Temple
by Margaret Barker (Academic) - The Burning Bush: On the Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God
by Thomas Allan Smith and Sergius Bulgakov (Orthodox) - The Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition and Assumption
by Stephen J. Shoemaker (Academic)
Course Content