Q: Do I have unlimited time to complete each course?

A: No, each course is typically required to be completed in five weeks multiplied by the number of its credit units (for example, ACA-401D, which has three credit units, is required to be completed in 15 weeks).

Q: What happens if I cannot finish my course within the required time?

A: You should seek approval ahead of time from the International Faculty Coordinator (

Q: Are response papers open assignments such that I can write on any topic that comes to my mind?

A: No. Each response paper must be written on the contents of the assigned study materials.

Q: Who determines the title or what I write in a response paper?

A: The student is given the liberty to coin a topic (that does not require the instructor’s approval) and write on 5-7 key concepts from the assigned study material.

Q: When writing a response paper, do I summarize the whole study material?

A: No. You are expected to select only 5-7 key concepts from the assigned study material and write on them.

Q: Can I be permitted to see a sample response paper written by another student?

A: Yes. For a good sample, refer to the admissions office’s orientation email for a sample of response paper one.

Q: Does EUCLID provide me with a Premium version of Grammarly for free?

A: Yes, EUCLID provides free Grammarly Premium to all students to make their papers better.

Q: Does EUCLID provide Zotero accounts to students?

A: No, Zotero is a free software that can be downloaded from

Q: Do I upload my response papers in the LMS only?

A: You are expected to send your response papers to your instructor by email, who approves and files them after being reviewed.

Q: Can I submit multiple response papers at a time?

A: No. Response papers are sent serially. The instructor must approve one before the student can submit the next one.

Q: Do I need to submit the checklist for the response paper for every submission?

A: The checklist is to guide you in making submissions according to the guidelines. You do not need to submit it with the response paper ordinarily except if requested by the instructor.

Q: Can I request a virtual meeting with the instructor?

A: All queries are expected to be sent to the instructor by email, which is the primary means of communication. Virtual meetings are only granted in exceptional circumstances.

Q: Can I send the instructor a reminder if he/she does not reply to my response paper submission?

A: The instructor normally has up to three business days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) to review and provide feedback on your paper. You could send a reminder after that if you do not receive any response.

Q: Can I read outside the assigned study material and write a response paper including the contents outside the study material?

A: Yes. You can read outside and include the contents in your response paper. But note that you are graded essentially based on the assigned study material.

Q: Can my paper be returned to me?

A: Yes, your paper can be returned if further revision is required from you, even if it is as simple as a filename correction.

Q: I have significant proficiency in academic writing. Can EUCLID entirely wave ACA-401/ACA-401D for me?

A: No. The course is mandatory for every student. Your proficiency in academic writing will not be collateral for these courses as they introduce you to the style of writing at EUCLID, use of the customized templates, and other writing ethics.

Q: I have completed the course and started the next one in my roadmap, but I have not received my grade for ACA-401/ACA-401D. What can I do?

A: ACA-401/ACA-401D are usually graded at the same time as TPH-499 because the oral examination for the latter covers aspects of the former that do not have an oral examination.

Q: How many marks do response papers carry?

A: All response papers (1-5 and the quiz) carry just 10% of the overall course grade.

Q: What is the passing score for a response paper?

A: Rather than a passing score, a paper is only approved if it meets all the requirements (as indicated in the checklist for response papers). Any score indicated by the instructor is just to give you an idea of how well you performed.

Q: I cannot cover all the study material in a period because it is bulky. Can I select what to read?

A: It is highly recommended that you find time to read the entire material as instructed. This will require discipline to achieve. We suggest reading 45 minutes per day (PDF or Kindle) while taking notes/highlights.

Q: Can I use a rule of style other than Turabian in my papers?

A: EUCLID has adopted the use of the Turabian style, and all students are expected to comply with that. It will be Turabian parenthetical for RPs and Turabian footnotes for MPs. Zotero is required to be used for MPs.

Q: How do I learn how to write a response paper?

A: Click here to read the document on how to write response papers at EUCLID.

Q: What is the accepted plagiarism rate for all papers at EUCLID?

A: The maximum plagiarism rate permitted at EUCLID is 18% but must be understand in light of the information provided below and in EUCLID’s Note on Plagiarism.

Q: If my paper has many direct quotes, will this be termed plagiarism?

A: This is plagiarism (1) if the direct quotes were not cited; (2) if the quotes are not properly introduced; (3) the quotes are not necessary (as authorities, examples, etc.)

Q: What is the maximum plagiarism rate for a paper with a lot of direct quotes that have been duly cited?

A: A plagiarism rate of about 25% is acceptable as long as the conditions above are followed.

Q: What are other ways to reduce the plagiarism rate due to a high number of direct quotes?

A: Students are advised to practice the art of paraphrasing to avoid a high plagiarism rate due to direct quotes.

Q: Must paraphrased information be cited?

A: Yes, any information paraphrased from another source must be duly cited.

Q: Where else can I find all the information I need on plagiarism at EUCLID?

A: You can read the notes on plagiarism at 

Q: What are the common errors often made in response papers?

A: Read page seven of the “Initial Student Orientation” document sent to you by the admissions office. However, more encountered errors in response papers include the following