DEB-408: Mariology (Biblical studies and Perspectives)

This content-rich course offers a wide and deep exploration of what is sometimes called “Mariology,” described as ” the theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus.” This module approaches this topic from an inter-disciplinary, academic and ecumenical perspective, with the following structure: Old Testament and Biblical background Roman Catholic perspectives Protestant perspectives Eastern Orthodox perspectives […]

This course provides an in-depth overview of HIV/AIDS at the graduate level, with a focus on the international public health implications of this crisis, including: history and background retroviruses and the discovery of HIV how HIV remains controversial why Africa is especially affected evidence-based global health policies to address AIDS/HIV. The overall objectives of this […]
THE-481: History of Development of Christian Doctrine

This course reflects the strong conviction among academics that Jaroslav Pelikan’s 5 volume set “History of the Development of Christian Doctrine” is essential reading for all doctoral students. Using EUCLID’s standard breakdown of course material in 5 study periods naturally follows the 5 volume organization.The overall objectives of this course are: – To understand the main […]
MCM-601: Mediation and Conflict Resolution Foundation Course

This course provides an essential overview of topics and issues related to Mediation and Conflict Resolution, notably: – Conflict Assessment – Conflict Prevention – Negotiation Guidelines – Mediation Skills – Gender Issues – Peace Education.The overall objectives of this course are: – To understand the root causes of conflict – To understand the difference between […]
ACA-401D: International Academic Writing (Doctorate)

ACA-401D SYLLABUS Course code: ACA-401D Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6-8 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full-time): 2-3 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 4-6 weeks Certificate: Yes Course instructor: Prof. Kabiru Gulma, Ph.D. Instructor mode of contact: Email and (Zoom appointments upon request) Prerequisite: Having carefully studied the Student Orientation PDF received in the initial email […]
THE-444:Temple Theology

“Temple Theology” is an emerging and increasingly recognized are of theological study, reflection and publication. This course offers a comprehensive overview of “Temple Theology” from a Christian perspective, with emphasis placed on the work of British scholar Dr. Margaret Barker. “Temple Theology” covers: – cosmic architecture (the temple as a symbolic representation of cosmic reality) […]
IPH-BRIDGE: Global Health Bridge Course for non MD/RN students

This course offers a bridge course for students wishing to pursue graduate studies in International Public Health at EUCLID, and who have been admitted to the program without an MD, RN or PA (or similar) medical degree. These students need to take a bridge course and it is assumed (per admissions requirement), but with adequate […]
SD-450: Africa’s Economic Development

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course offers an in-depth exploration of Africa’s economic development, examining the diverse and dynamic economic landscapes across the continent. Students will analyze the historical context, current challenges, and future prospects of economic development in African nations. The curriculum covers a range of topics, including colonial legacies, resource management, demographic trends, regional integration, […]
DIP-406A: International Organizations I

This course will focus upon the legal and policy issues raised by the development and functioning of intergovernmental organizations. It will encompass a course in United Nations law and a comparative study of international organizations. Issues relating to rulemaking, trusteeship, human rights, dispute settlement, and enforcement will be central to this course. It will consider, […]
ECO-DEV: Economic Development

COURSE DESCRIPTION Economic Development is a broad topic with possibly controversial aspects, such as political economics. To ensure a wide coverage using generally accepted principles, as main textbook for the course, EUCLID has selected the now classic textbook Economic Development by Todaro and Smith. This text covers: Principles and Concepts: Economics, Institutions, and Development: A […]