CTH-514: Modern Catholic Theologians

This course covers the phenomenon of radicalization and violent extremism among Muslim youth with a focus on Western countries (UK, EU, US). Understanding, recognizing and preventing such radicalization is at the core of this graduate program. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 […]
PAT-601: Patristics I (Early Church Fathers)

This course covers the so-called Early Church Fathers, also know (more accurately) as the Ante (or Pre) Nicene Writers. These are Christian, ecclesiastical (mainstream) authors who wrote between AD 80 and AD 325. Some of these texts were considered for inclusion in the New Testament (for instance 1 Clement). In general, these writings are considered […]
MCM-609: Conflict Transformation

COURSE DESCRIPTION “Conflict Transformation” is an advanced university course that goes beyond traditional conflict resolution methods to explore innovative and sustainable approaches to addressing conflicts at various levels. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the complexities of conflicts, analyze their root causes, and facilitate constructive change processes. Students will […]
IFB-01: Introduction to Banking, International Banking and Finance

This course covers the current global financial system from a variety of angles, and keeping in the mind the angle of interest of Islamic Finance and Banking students. This course uses atypical material to emphasize the concept of debt as the source of synthetic currency. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative […]
ISL-700: Studies in Modern Islamic Radicalization

This course covers the phenomenon of radicalization and violent extremism among Muslim youth with a focus on Western countries (UK, EU, US). Understanding, recognizing and preventing such radicalization is at the core of this graduate program. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 […]
EDU-QA: Quality Assurance in ODL and Higher Education

This course discusses the important issue of accreditation and quality assurance in online, open and higher education. We will review US, UK and other international standards. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 week Certificate: Yes This course is based on standard EUCLID […]
EDU-LMS: Learning Management Systems

This course provides an introduction to a selection of LMS platforms, among the more than currently 50 available. Our selection includes: Moodle BlackBoard LearnDash Coursera / EdX NeoLMS Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 week Certificate: Yes This course is based on […]
CTH-512: Thomas Aquinas & Scholasticism

This course covers the broad topic of the use of technology for enhanced learning, with a focus on what is know as K-12 or elementary, secondary and high school education. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 week Certificate: Yes This course is based […]
THE-483: Early Christian Doctrines

This course offers a review of early Christian topics, with an attempt to offer a balanced perspective and acknowledge both uniformity and diversity during the first centuries of Christianity. Topics include: Debates and controversies in Early Christianity. Themes and doctrine in major early church figures Hebrew/Jewish Christianity as contrasted with Latin, Greek and otherwise post […]
EDU-TECH: Learning Through Technology (Primary and Secondary Education)

This course covers the broad topic of the use of technology for enhanced learning, with a focus on what is know as K-12 or elementary, secondary and high school education. Credit value: 3 (US standard) | 6 (ECTS standard) Indicative duration (full time): 4-6 weeks Indicative duration (part-time): 5-8 week Certificate: Yes This course is based […]