LLM-HR: International Human Rights Law

COURSE DESCRIPTION This graduate-level course delves into the intricate and evolving field of International Human Rights Law, with a focus on the legal frameworks and mechanisms that safeguard human rights on a global scale. Students will critically examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, various human rights treaties and conventions, and the role of international […]
LLM-ENV: International Environmental Law

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course explores the complex and dynamic field of International Environmental Law, focusing on the legal mechanisms and principles that govern the global environment. Students will engage with the foundational treaties, conventions, and legal frameworks that shape international environmental policy, including climate change agreements, biodiversity conservation, transboundary pollution, and the law of the […]
EUR-510: European Law

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]
LLM-LOS: Maritime Law / Law of the Seas

The law of the sea provides for the regulation, management, and governance of ocean spaces that cover over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. The course provides an overview of the foundational principles of the law of the sea; a critical overview of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; and an […]
LLM-ICJ: International Crime and Justice

COURSE DESCRIPTION This graduate-level course provides an in-depth exploration of international crime and justice, covering the spectrum of transnational crimes, including terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking, cybercrime, and environmental crime. Students will critically examine the legal frameworks, jurisdictional issues, and cooperative mechanisms that underpin the international criminal justice system. The course will also delve into […]
IPH-WHO: World Health Organization Studies

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]
IPH-THESIS: Thesis in International Public Health

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to guide Master of Public Health students through the thesis preparation and writing process. It provides a structured framework for developing a research project that addresses a significant issue in international public health. Students will engage in critical analysis of public health literature, formulate research questions, design appropriate methodologies, […]
IPH-INT: International Medicine

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]
IPH-IMEM: International Medical Emergency Management

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]
IPH-MTD: Malaria and Tropical Diseases

This course covers issues related to malaria as a major global health problem. Emphasizes the biology of malaria parasites and factors affecting their transmission to humans by anopheline vectors. Topics include host-parasite-vector relationships; diagnostics; parasite biology; vector biology; epidemiology; host immunity; risk factors associated with infection, human behavior, chemotherapy, and drug resistances; anti-vector measures; vaccine […]