THE-484: The Orthodox Church

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

TTH-367: World of Byzantium

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

THE-485: The Church at 325 (Eusebius: Church History)

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

THE-333: The Canon of Scriptures

This course gives a scholarly and balanced perspective on the complex issues surrounding the formation of the Christian canon of scripture. The primary textbook is Lee McDonald’s approach to this complex and critical subject in his balanced and respected textbook The Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon. The course also aims at exposing students to debates […]

GRK-200: New Testament Greek

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

DIP-406B: International Organizations II

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

LLM-WTO: World Trade Organization Law

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

LLM-TAX: International Taxation Issues

This course offers a review of the basics of proper English writing based on two required textbooks. This course can be used at any level, including the Master’s level, to insure that the student’s writing skills are on the level required for the academic program being pursed. As part of this course, students must understand […]

LLM-ILA: International Litigation and Arbitration

COURSE DESCRIPTION The “International Litigation and Arbitration” course, (usually part of the Master of Laws (LLM) program), is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the legal frameworks, processes, and strategies involved in resolving international disputes. This advanced course explores both litigation in international courts and arbitration as essential methods for settling transnational […]

LLM-IIP: International Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) impacts business and industries as well as our everyday lives in many regards. Business and industries need protection for their inventions and brands, for their motion pictures, computer programs, musical and entertainment products. This is brought about by intellectual property law, such as patent law, trademark law, and copyright law. IP laws are national laws; their […]