TPH-499: Argumentation and Critical Thinking

Students should be aware that EUCLID’s Latin motto means “Let us also hear the other side.”

EUCLID’s academic philosophy bears the imprint of this ideal. For this reason, 2 credits are assigned to this important course which is considered foundational.

Study of the basic skills of good reasoning needed for the intelligent and responsible conduct of life. Topics include: argument structure and identification, validity and strength of arguments, common fallacies of reasoning, use and abuse of language in reasoning, principles of fair play in argumentation.

For most students (ask your instructor if this requirement does not apply), this course will also use recorded video lectures.

  • Credit value: 2 (US standard) | 5 (ECTS standard)
  • Indicative duration (full time): 2-3 weeks
  • Indicative duration (part-time): 4-6 week
  • Certificate: Yes
This course is based on standard EUCLID methodology. Students may refer to the following resources:

Academic Guidelines (HQ version)
Academic Guidelines (most recent version even if unofficial)
Student Orientation Guidelines (most recent version even if unofficial)
Zotero instructions for EUCLID students

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • identify fallacies and flawed argumentation
  • articulate sound arguments
  • use proper terminology
  • analyze a debate or series of arguments
  • present a convincing case on any topic.

Note: some of the terms to be mastered include (this is a very partial list):

  • Inductive / Deductive
  • Ad Hominem
  • Equivocation
  • Syllogism
  • Straw man.
Some of the course material is provided in PDF format. Textbooks include:

  • Argumentation and Critical Thinking (Zarefsky)
  • Philosopher’s Toolbox
  • 42 Fallacies (LaBossiere)
  • EUCLID compiled material

Course Instructor:

This is course is supervised by a primary instructor/faculty member and may also be served by a backup instructor.

The International Faculty Coordinator will confirm the assignment. Do not contact any instructor prior to LMS enrollment with faculty assignment confirmed.